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When I came across this article, I assumed it would be about how to buy a scanner. After all, scans are basically just pictures of paper documents that have been put on a computer screen. Isn't that what writing is? Scans don't need writing to use them or read them—what could possibly be the point of buying a scanner then? Clearly, this article should have been titled "How to buy a scanner." Wrong! This article is about how people write using scanners. They used the type of technology you use to take pictures with your digital camera or use your cell phone's camera app for scanned images. Then, they put text on it with a type of font or lettering that is not in the original document. Why would you do this? I read the article carefully and found that they were not actually scanning in their writing with a scanner. That would be ridiculous and pointless, but grammatically incorrect and potentially annoying to readers of the article. What they were actually doing was using a camera to take a picture of their paper document, then taking that picture and putting it in their computer so they could manipulate it with images or text. The problem with this is that when you are taking pictures you have to write in capital letters. If you use special fonts or types of lettering, the words will not show up when you are taking your pictures. Therefore, in order to use printer lettering, you need to go back onto paper and write out the same exact sentence in the same capital letters that you used in your picture. You can probably do this with any scanner or camera app on your phone. This is called "copying and pasting" and is used when you need to take something from one computer and put it into another. So, what does this all mean? It shows that writing can be created using a couple different ways: writing by hand (i.e., pen and paper), writing on a computer, and copying and pasting text from one place to another. When we think about the purpose of using these different forms of technology, it makes sense. Writing is an extremely important tool for communicating our thoughts or ideas to others in the form of either words or images depending on the medium we choose. Now, when you need to take something from the computer and put it into paper, you know how to do it. cfa1e77820